“Zoomed-out” Map with directions from SC
Take 221 past Marion, turn left to take 226 through Little Switzerland. Turn right onto 19E in Spruce Pine. Take a right onto 194 “Three Mile Highway”, then a right onto 221. We are one mile on your left.
Note: For some very strange reason, your GPS may want you to turn onto Hobbs Knob Rd. while you’re on 19-E. No need to do that, just keep going a little further and you’ll be able to turn onto the main road (194).
“Zoomed-in” Local Map
We are easily accessible from Boone via 221 North, Charlotte via 181, and Spruce Pine via 19E to 194, and TN via 194 to 221. It’s a little more complex coming from SC with 221 closed to the South of us. For directions from SC refer to the map above.